Let’s Talk: Speech and Language Delay

Kids Speech and Language Development

There are so many changes happening in the first three years of our babies’ life. Healthcare providers who take care of children make sure these milestones are happening, and intervene if those milestones are not developing within a reasonable time.

Knowing how speech and language are defined, and when they develop will help you to advocate for your child if there are concerns that you may have. So, let’s go there.

The Difference Between Speech and Language

Kids Speech Delay

Speech is how a child makes sounds and words.

Sounds are made by articulation- the movement and position of the mouth, lips, and tongue, voice- the use vocal cords and breath to make sounds, and fluency- the rhythm of your child’s speech. For example, stuttering is an issue of speech rhythm.

Language is how many words your child has and how your child uses and understands words.

Speech and Language Delay

Speech Delay is considered when despite having acquired the expected amount of words for their age, it is difficult to understand what a child is saying.

Kids Language Delay

Language Delay is considered when a child doesn’t have the expected amount of words, and or they aren’t able to use words correctly.

  • Receptive Language delay is when children have trouble understanding what others are saying.

  • Expressive Language delay is a result of children no being able to verbally share their own thoughts, ideas, and feelings.

Speech and Language delay may be due to:

  • Oral impairments- problems with the tongue or palate (the roof of the mouth).

  • A short frenulum- (the fold beneath the tongue), which can limit tongue movement.

  • Hearing problems- Kids who have trouble hearing may have trouble saying, understanding, imitating, and using language.

    • An indication of poor hearing can occur as early as the age of infancy. If your baby is not vocalizing (babbling), or responding to sound, call your child’s doctor.

What Are the Signs of Speech or Language Delay?

In general, by age 2-years-old, mamas and daddies, or a child’s regular caregivers should be able to understand about 50% of a child's speech, and 75% of their speech at 3-years. By age 4, a child should be close to being 100% understood, even by people who do not know them.

Call your child’s doctor if:

Verywell / Joshua Seong from https://www.verywellfamily.com/gifted-children-and-language-development-1449117

Verywell / Joshua Seong from https://www.verywellfamily.com/gifted-children-and-language-development-1449117

  • by 12 months: your child isn't using gestures or not responding when calling their name

  • by 18 months: your child prefers gestures over vocalizations to communicate, has trouble imitating sounds or understanding simple verbal requests

  • by 2 years: your child can only imitate speech or actions and doesn't produce words or phrases spontaneously, can't follow simple directions, or has an unusual tone of voice (such as raspy or nasal sounding)

Sometimes parents whose child has speech and/or language delay are concerned that it means their child will have learning difficulties.

If your doctor suspects that your child may have speech or language delay, they will recommend that they undergo a speech evaluation by a speech and language pathologist. The speech and language pathologist will check:

  • what your child understands (receptive language)

  • what your child can say (expressive language)

  • sound development and clarity of their speech

  • your child's articulation status (how the mouth, tongue, palate, work together for speech)

It is important to note that while speech and language delay can be associated with learning differences among children i.e Autism, learning delays, ADHD, if your child has a speech and/or language delay does not mean they will have a learning disability.

You can promote speech and language development at home by having a routine reading time. During this time, encourage your child to watch how you say the words. If your child is pointing for in order for you to give them things ask questions i.e. “what do you want?” “do you want the ball?” or have the same the item they want i.e. “say, ball.”

Early intervention is the best approach to managing speech and language delay. So, as soon as you have concerns about your child’s speech and/or language schedule an appointment to see your doctor.

May this always be where all the children are well.

  1. Bainbridge, C. (2020, July, 24). Gifted Children and Language Development. https://www.verywellfamily.com/gifted-children-and-language-development-1449117

  2. Detrempe, K. and Digitale, E. (2019, July, 9) What One Speech Therapist Wishes You Knew About Stuttering. https://healthier.stanfordchildrens.org/en/speech-therapist-explains-stuttering/

  3. Hartnett, J. (2019, November). Delayed Speech or Language Development. https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/not-talk.html

  4. McLaughlin, M. R. (2011). Speech and language delay in children. American Family Physician. 83(10), p1183-1188.

  5. Ryan, M. (2020, September, 17). When Your Child's Speech Delay Is a Red Flag. https://www.verywellfamily.com/toddler-speech-delay-289662

  6. American Academty of Pediatrics. (2020, August, 4) Language Delays in Toddlers: Information for Parents https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/toddler/Pages/language-delay.aspx




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